Advent Jesse Tree Bible ornaments, Christian Christmas countdown crafts - Grand Rapids Holidays | Examiner.com

Child molester Mark McDaniel fathered Honey Boo Boo's sister Pumpkin? Time for Reality TV Break and Reality Check

Sexy Ebola nurse costume takes Halloween sleaze even lower
Never say "well that's the sickest thing I ever heard!" Cause sure as shootin', someone will prove you wrong. Case in point. You know how sexy is the word in Halloween costumes, right? Halloween stores all sell sexy whatever-you-can-name. It's hard to find not-sexy costumes! Every innocent little cartoon character has gotten slutty-fied, sad to say. Even the Morton Salt Girl! Okay, I'm ranting. Back to the point: for lowest and tackiest it's Sexy Ebola nurse costume takes Halloween to new low - Grand Rapids Holidays | Examiner.com
Don't Let Negative People Get You Down

If you spend enough time around negativity, it can make you negative by proxy. We all know people-- co-workers, spouses, supervisors, teachers, friends--who find fault with everything and everyone. If it's you they're haranguing, they can tear apart your self-esteem. You start questioning yourself, doubting your abilities and judgment. Termites of shame bore into the foundation of your being. Now you're no longer happy and centered. You're paranoid and miserable. So let's look at ways NOT to let that happen. Don't Let Negative People Get You Down, Practice Self-Positivity
Relationship Glue Recipe Turn Negativity and Arguing Around

I've got a bad habit of nagging. He's a third shifter and I worry if he doesn't get enough sleep. Sometimes he stays up too late doing things I think are piddly. Some are, most aren't. Point is, it's not my business.
Read on to find out what I'm doing to break this habit.Relationship Glue Recipe Turn it Around
How to Recover From Codependency With Al-Anon Slogans

How Partners Can Understand Codependent Empath Behavior With Al-Anon Psychology

Why Won't He Propose? Relationship Tips for Brides-Hopeful

Panic Attack Survival Tools: Emergency Toolkit for Anxiety

Lose Weight, Gain Self-Esteem--Healthy Dieting Improves Confidence

Read on.
Relationship Glue Recipe, Take it One Breath at at Time

Relationship Glue Recipe, Carpe Diem, Forget the Work
I'm continually realizing how blest our family is. The holidays always bring that home to me. We had a lovely Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil). Two of our children went mass with us. Our son in Detroit celebrated Passover with his girlfriend then went to a Spanish mass at Holy Redeemer (a Latino parish) in Southwest. Our daughter and son-in-law "celebrated" with us via Facetime. I think part of it is that we have a new motto, my husband and I--carpe diem. Seize every opportunity to be together. The work we will always have with us. But relationships are precious and must be tended carefully. Relationship Glue Recipe, Carpe Diem
Skills and Tools Parents Need for Raising Teenagers
'When I Am Old, I Shall Wear Purple" Good Warning Poem Not to Take People for Granted

Relationship Glue Recipe Acknowledge Burnout
Seriously, Lighten Up! OCD for Couples

Diet Tip Take Naysayers with a Grain of Splenda
I've lost 95 pounds and dropped eight clothing sizes. Most people are encouraging--like my family. A few, not so much. They always nag "oh for pete's sake, Mar. Just have that piece of pie. It won't kill you. Look how much you've lost. You're too skinny."
I'm not too skinny. But they may be right. That dessert probably won't ruin my diet. What concerns me is that it's not my welfare that worries them. Both are trying to diet and failing. They make excuses, want shortcuts and are in denial about their habits (like I was). I suspect seeing me stick to my diet makes them feel guilty. And you know the saying, misery loves company. Take my advice. Listen to your own common sense and follow it. Diet Tip Take Encouragement to Binge With a Grain of Splenda
Relationship Glue Recipe, Make Time Together Don't Just Wait for It

31 Years With My Valentine, I'm Blessed

31 Years With My Valentine, What Did I Do to Deserve Such a Guy?
Panic Attack Survival--Dealing with Empath Response
I am in a blue funk today. I'm not sure why, but I think I had a panic attack. Now I'm weepy and stuck in "empath" mode. I get in these jags where I feel sorry for people and can't stop crying. This may sound odd, and I don't know how to explain in exactly. Please, if you've felt this way, chime in. We empaths need solidarity so we don't feel like lonely freaks. Panic Attack Survival--How I Am Processing the Empath Response
Possible Torsion is Not Medical Emergency Say Our Insurance, Hospital
If you're squeamish about discussion of little boy parts, don't read. I'll try to keep references to a minimum. Okay, here goes the rant. Husband came home with a swollen testicle a few months ago. I took him to ER (not sharing anything he doesn't freely share himself). Possible Torsion is Not Emergency Says Our Insurance, Hospital??
Relationship Glue Recipe: Time Bad News But Don't Tippy-Toe Around

I don't know if we're doing something right, or we're freaks or
just lucky. I think it's divine intervention. At any rate, I offer relationship tips we have learned (or are learning--it's a work in progress). Relationship Glue Recipe: Timing Vs. Tippy-Toe
Getting Back to Work After Vacation

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