Don't you love the cellphone selfie photos my husband and I take? We're getting better at it, though we're still no technoratis! Anyway, I have been writing a series of articles on Relationship glue recipes and today's topic is: when in doubt, ask. Sometimes, some really awkward issues. come up on relationships. If you are unsure about something, say whether your spouse is cheating, has an addiction, or is doing something dangerous, ask.
As uncomfortable as it makes you, even if you don't want to hear the answer, don't like the answer, don't think the person won't tell the truth, etc. Still, ask. It's better than letting a bunch of suspicions rattle painfully in your head. Don't hide from it. Don't ask, Don't tell is not a good policy. Read on
Relationship Glue Recipe: Dont Ask, Dont Tell Does Not Work