Advent wreath devotions for children: Catholic Christian Christmas worship
Candle ceremonies are common components in many faith traditions and religious rituals. Jews pray the menorah at Hanukkah and African American Kwanzaa employs mishumaa candles. The Christian faith uses the Advent wreath at Christmas. The Advent wreath is an ancient practice observed in many Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christian churches and homes around the world. Catholic families generally have their own advent wreath. Prayers and devotions are said as Advent candles are lit. Advent wreath devotions for children: Catholic Christian Christmas worship |
CDC: STDs syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia rates rising: Chlamydia highest ever |
Here's a scary health statistic--three sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise. STDs syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia are worse than ever and getting worse for the first time in years, reported Health Day News on Nov. 17. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the number of cases of these major STDs increased last year for the first time since 2006. Here's another scary stat: the rate of chlamydia infection is the highest it's ever been. Some 1.4 million cases of chlamydia were reported to the CDC in 2014. That represents a 2.8 percent increase since 2013. This is the greatest number of cases of any STD ever reported to the CDC, said CDC's Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2014 report. CDC: STDs syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia rates rising: Chlamydia highest ever |
Christmas overindulgence causes selfish entitlement, depression, relationship problems
Christmas is caring and sharing, but Black Friday is bloody noses and busted lips. Each year, shoppers battle each other for prized goods and Black Friday 2015 was no different, reported Fox 59 on Nov. 30. Why do people fight over Christmas presents in the season of goodwill toward men? Because Christmas shopping has nothing to do with an attitude of gratitude and everything to do with an attitude of entitlement. Christmas shows people at their most self-centered and miserable. Black Friday and Christmas overindulgence causes greedy selfish entitlement and ingratitude. But maybe it's a question of which came first, the selfish entitlement or holiday indulgence? Perhaps it doesn't matter because the results are the same--indulgence and entitlement both lead to resentment, relationship problems, depression, even suicide. Black Friday, Christmas overindulgence causes selfish entitlement, depression |
Convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky gets Penn State pension back, court says

2/3 of people have herpes: Half billion have HSV-2 STD, HSV-1 from oral sex

Sweetest Day gifts: Romantic personalized presents outside the box and vase |

Emotional abuser warning signs: Is your partner a manipulative victimizer?

Spark romance with 6 intimate, sensual games to play with your spouse or lover

Phallic-shaped weather map shows wet warm front, got a rise out of news anchors

Mom of twins Annie Nolan puts 'conceived by f-ing' sign on toddlers' stroller, cracks the internet
Exasperated by endless, too-personal questions about her babies, mom of twins Annie Nolan put a "conceived by f-ing" sign on her toddlers' stroller, reported Yahoo! Parenting July 13. And heads collectively exploded. The twins' conception method was just one of many invasive, rhetorical and repetitive questions Nolan answered, en masse, with the stroller sign. Mom of twins Annie Nolan puts 'conceived by f-ing' sign on toddlers' stroller - Grand Rapids News |
Bridal shower games: Marriage advice crafts for wedding gifts, party favors - Grand Rapids Holidays |
Hosting a bridal shower? Here are bridal shower games that are also gift crafts. Make marriage advice crafts and party favors with guests at shower. Then give these to the bride and groom as wedding gifts. Use these advice crafts as the bride's shower game prizes. Here are personalized shower crafts to make for brides-to-be. Bridal shower games: Marriage advice crafts for wedding gifts, party favors - Grand Rapids Holidays |
How we paid off our wedding, reception and honeymoon without incurring debt - Grand Rapids Holidays |

18th century sex toy found in Polish latrine: Phallus is rare erotica artifact - Grand Rapids News |

World's first successful penis transplant sees penile amputee functional again
The world's first successful penis transplant was performed at Stellenbosch University and Cape Town’s Tygerberg Hospital, reported Bloomberg on March 13. A penile amputee received a transplanted organ and is fully recovered and functional again. Physicians did the penis replacement surgery on Dec. 11.
The 21-year-old male, whose name is being withheld for privacy, is completely healed and has regained use of all bodily functions of the penis. He is sexually active again and able to have children if he so chooses. World's first successful penis transplant sees penile amputee functional again - Grand Rapids News |
The 21-year-old male, whose name is being withheld for privacy, is completely healed and has regained use of all bodily functions of the penis. He is sexually active again and able to have children if he so chooses. World's first successful penis transplant sees penile amputee functional again - Grand Rapids News |
Free printable pagan and Wicca sabbat holiday crafts
Celebrate Valentine's Day when you're single, or just survive romance schmaltz

Super Bowl commercials 2015: slutty Carl's Jr. naked woman ad
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