Teaching kids friendship skills begins with parent example

 Making friends (and keeping them) is one of the most important skills kids learn. But it's not learned with textbooks or lesson plans. Building healthy relationships is a hands-on activity. When kids struggle to make friends, it's easy for to blames schools. But schools can only do so much to foster friendship skills. The best lessons begin and end at home. Here are ways parents can teach kids to make friends. Teaching kids friendship skills begins with parent example

Sexual Enhancement Supplements Can Be Dangerous Medicine

With yet another batch of warnings from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on tainted sexual enhancement drugs, it's time we wake up to the dangers associated with these products. Companies tout them euphemistically as natural or nutritional supplements but they contain undeclared sulfoaildenafil (aka, sildenafil, the stuff in Viagra used to treat Erectile Dysfunction). That's no friendly little herbal pick-me-up. It's a potentially harmful drug. Please be safe--read labels, use as directed or better yet, forego any sexual enhancement drugs from foreign manufacturers or online sources. Use only doctor-approved ED medication and be careful with that. Your health is important--don't risk damaging it with drugs from unverified sources. If you're concerned about performance, try a little vitamin E and zinc. They're natural and safe. Read on Sexual Enhancement Supplements Can Be Dangerous Medicine 
