How My OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Affects My Relationships

 The term OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is often used to describe perfectionist behavior. While people with OCD may just seem overly organized, Medscape says OCD behavior stems from pervasive psychological pain, anxiety and "distressing intrusive obsessive thoughts."

Intrusive and distressing, these thoughts certainly are. I wasn't diagnosed with OCD until adulthood, but I recognize now that I've had OCD since early childhood. Here's a picture of what OCD feels to me and how it affects my relationship with my husband, kids and loved ones. Hopefully, this insight will help you if you're living with a person with OCD or if you experience it yourself. I've included ideas on what's helped me, too. How I Experience and Cope with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 

Levi Johnson Fathering Another Baby is No One's Business

 Levi Johnson, father of tea party figurehead Sarah Palin's grandson Tripp (with Palin's eldest Bristol), is fathering another child with his new girlfriend, Sunny Oglesby. I'm not sure what response the media expects of us: Shock, righteous indignation? The best I can muster is tepid apathy. The New York Daily News primly calls the pregnancy "out of wedlock." I don't think anyone is startled by revelations of babies born on the wrong side of the blanket. It's not like Johnson is a kid, either. The couple says they're happy. That's refreshing. With all the haranguing about abortion rights, you'd think pregnancy was some kind of randomly acquired infection. Levi Johnson Fathering Another Baby is No One's Business 
