Why Does My Boyfriend Hate to Dance with Me?
Why Guys Hate to Fast Dance with Their Girlfriends
Since the dawn of time, women have enjoyed dancing. Men would dance with women when the dance was formalized, like the waltz or polka. Recently, however, dancing' has disintegrated into something most men won't be caught dead doing.
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Best Vampires Movies for Twilight Saga Lovers

You bought, read and re-read all the Twilight series and saw both the series' movies. You've redone your room and wardrobe in Gothic vampire. What can you do till Eclipse comes out or Stephanie Myers writes another book?
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Is Unlimited Cell Phone Texting Bad for Relationships?

Can cell phones kill relationships? How ridiculous. How could a communication device cause relationship problems? Here's how. Unlimited texting and call plans give people access to each other 24-7, 365 days a year.
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