My Husband is the Sexiest Man Alive My husband of 22 years is the sexiest man alive. At 46, he just keeps getting hotter and hotter. He's sexy on the outside and the inside. Even gray hair and some life wrinkles only make him more erotic. Read More
Men and Crying: Social Stigma vs. Emotional Benefits of Tears If you believe that men who cry are sissies or weaklings, you need to put down your caveman club and join the world. Real men need to cry, are healthier when they shed tears and are more manly for having done so. Be sure to check out the awesome book Crying Men, featuring many of the hottest, sexiest actors crying for the camera.
Harriet Goldhor Lerner: The Dance of Anger and Other Women's Health Books How often have I heard women say that they long to find a physician who understands the female psyche. Male doctors understand from a male perspective. Many female doctors have adopted male thinking patterns, too. Read on...